After a long and hard battle, Edward, the knight of the Crusade, was suffering from the loss of God's will. Edward and his men who were chased by the Islamic army arrive in Japan. They touch naive ordinary people in Japan and decide to realize the will of God and fight for the people.
Whether you are a fan of history or historical fiction, or not, there is absolutely no harm in reading this book.
"Are you not afraid of death?" asked Tokimune suddenly.
"I don't..."
Edward stopped speaking. He could not find the next word.
"Do you deny God? It's not like you."
"Accept it. Only God knows my life."
After finishing the novel, I was left with a mild numbness or "heat" in my body.
RANSHIN -Samurai Crusaders-
Publisher : Museyon
Preparing for fall launch.
The way the film depicts the universal theme of cultural friction with a sense of urgency is brilliant.
"RANSHIN" Japanese Edition
Publisher : Gentosha
ISBN-10: 4344417194
ISBN-13: 978-4344417199
I was impressed by the nobility of humanity. The trust, love, and compassion that connect us deeply at the bottom of our hearts, transcending our position and ethnicity.
The smell of mildew hit my nose.
I frowned, but I had never thought of it as a very unpleasant smell.
When I was in the fourth grade, a girl once asked me, "Shun-kun, do you like the smell of mold," as I held my nose close to it. I didn't say anything and hurried away from the scene.
I didn't hate it. In fact, it made me feel somewhat nostalgic and even calmed me down. However, since I knew that my feeling was different from the norm, I deliberately frowned.
This was the second time I had been in this storehouse.
The first time was two years ago. Although I was living in Tokyo due to my father's work, I used to go to his parents' house for about half a month every summer vacation. The thick wooden door opened slightly, revealing a dimly lit interior. As I gingerly entered, I saw a shadow of a person floating in the pale light. I almost shouted, but fought back a gasp. He saw his grandfather staring at him. Hurriedly, he ran outside. The sunlight was so bright that it stung the back of my eyes.
My grandfather told me that there was a ghost in the storehouse, and if a child entered, it would take him somewhere far away.
Since then, I had been looking for a chance to see it every time I visited my grandfather's house, and today I finally got it.
I slowly walked up the stairs, relying on the light coming in from the small light fixture on the ceiling. My sneakers left their footprints in the thick dust, but I didn't have time to worry about it. I could erase them on my way down.
The second floor was piled up with boxes of various sizes.
This was the only part of the building that had remained untouched during and after the war.
I had heard my grandfather say to my father over a drink sometime before.
I walked through the boxes to the back of the room. I noticed a vermilion lacquered box, 30cm square, sitting on a dusty desk. Even though it was lacquered in vermilion, the color was faded and most of the lacquer had peeled off, giving the box an aged look. It was somehow different from the other boxes around it.
It was secretive and intriguing.
Shun gently opened the lid. There was another rectangular box inside.
When he removed the lid, he found something wrapped in a black cloth.
It was a dagger. He had heard that his grandfather was a survivor of a naval suicide mission. I've heard that my grandfather was a survivor of a naval suicide mission, a dagger that navy soldiers wear on their hips. I've never seen a real one, but I think it might be this one. And next to it was a cross the size of a child's palm.
Shun took the dagger in his hand. The weight of the dagger was heavy. Carved into the grip was a lion. It didn't seem to belong to the navy.
Suddenly, my heart palpitated. I felt as if the lion's eyes were staring at me. My grandfather's words came back to me, and I closed my eyes. I felt as if I was being taken somewhere far away, somewhere I could never return to once I left.
I heard the heavy sound of a door opening downstairs.
Shun, are you here?
His father's voice rang out.
He hurriedly put the dagger in the box and closed the lid.
Hakata, Kyushu, Neihama beach.
Nokonoshima Island can be seen in front across the sea. To the right is the island of Shiga. Looking to the left, Bishamon Mountain came into view.
To the west was the city of Hakata, and to the east was the hazy mountain of Mount Iimori.
Nearly a dozen young men were gathered on top of a half-crumbling fortification. The bulwark was a stone barrier built along Hakata Bay in the Kamakura period (1185-1333) to prevent attacks by the Yuan dynasty.
In the center was Shun Kaue, an associate professor in the Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Letters, University of Kitakyushu.
His pale, chiseled face with a well-defined nose is popular among female students. He was once asked with a straight face, "Did you have any European ancestors? I deliberately answered in Hakata dialect, "My ancestors were pure Hakata children for generations.
Please be careful.
Kaage warned the students. He didn't want to make even the slightest mistake after coming this far.
In front of him was a stick-shaped object, about 50 cm long and 5 cm wide, covered in dirt.
I used a brush to carefully remove the mud. After about an hour of work, it became clear that it was a broken Western sword with a crisscrossed grip and sword blade.
As we removed the dirt from the grip of the sword, the unevenness of the carving gradually came into focus.
Tension spread among the young men.
Gagami gently moved the sword onto the cloth beside him.
It's definitely a medieval European sword, isn't it?
One of the students said.
From his bag, Kaage took out a dagger carefully wrapped in velvet cloth.
He placed the dagger next to the sword.
There was a low cheer from the people around him. Kagami exhaled faintly.
"It's the same one--"
The face of a roaring lion.
You've done it, doctor. You have solved the mystery of this dagger. It's a discovery that will change the course of Japanese history.
We haven't reached a conclusion yet. We're only one step closer."
Kaage said in a quiet but tense voice.
There should be the other half of the sword.
He got up and headed back to the hole, which was about a meter deep.
He was staring at the sword on his desk. The sword, broken in two, was engraved with nearly eight hundred years of history.
He moved his eyes to the dagger beside it. It was the one he had first seen twenty years ago in the corner of the storehouse. Along with it was a crucifix.
I went to university to study history, majoring in archaeology. By that time, my grandfather had died and my father was still in Tokyo, so I was free to explore the storehouse.
I found out that the dagger and cross belonged to England in the 13th century. No one else in the house knew about the cross and dagger.
I've never heard of such a thing. My family has been samurai since the Kamakura period (1185-1333), so it's not surprising that we have a sword. I didn't know they were from the West. Maybe one of your ancestors got it by accident and put it in a storehouse and forgot about it.
My father said, looking at the dagger and the cross.
中央にいるのは、北九州大学文学部考古学科の准教授、賀上 俊だった。